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Enquiries from Employers

If you are a local or national employer and are interested in engaging future science, health and engineering professionals, please get in touch.

T-Level Placements

Employer work experience partnerships are key to ensure that our students have the opportunity to explore career ambitions, develop relevant skills and knowledge and can effectively network.

To support our T Level programmes, and to ensure that gaps in local skills are filled, we are looking for  supportive employers to partner with us with the commitment to offer 45-day (or part thereof) Industry Placements for our students. This will give them the opportunity to put  the skills and knowledge that they have learned in the classroom into practice. This is an key element of the course, and therefore support from our fantastic local and regional businesses is essential!

In turn, in addition to contributing to your Corporate Social Responsibility, there are many additional benefits for employers to hosting a T Level student.

You can contact our Employer Engagement Coordinator, Amy Lerpiniere, on 01603 580 280 or amy.lerpiniere@utcncst.org to discuss employer opportunities.

You can also join UTCN’s Industry Liaison Group and support:

  • Mock interviews
  • Inspiring career talks
  • Challenging us to solve a real world problem
  • Promoting your opportunities

You can contact our Employer Engagement Coordinator, Amy Lerpiniere, on 01603 580 280 or amy.lerpiniere@utcncst.org to discuss employer opportunities.