
Degree Level Apprentice Engineer at Tecosim UK

Why did you come to UTCN?

I joined in year 10. It was a big commitment as I had to commute from Fakenham and get the bus at 6:45 every morning but I felt it was worth it in order to be able study the GCSE options I wanted. I also knew Beth from my previous school who was in the year above me and she also recommended the school. I stayed a UTCN for sixth form as I liked the atmosphere and wanted to continue my engineering studies. Luckily in the summer between year 12 and 13, I got a car so I didn’t have to wait for the bus anymore!

What did you like about UTCN?

 UTCN offered a unique experience. I really liked that the School had so many connections to employers and there were lots of opportunities for networking. The School also promoted alternative routes to university which really suited me.

How did you get your apprenticeship?

Sophie (Employer Engagement Coordinator) introduced me to the summer internships with The Ogden trust and I was lucky enough to get placed with Tecosim. I liked the company and got on well with now my fellow work colleagues. I was lucky enough be the first-Degree Level Engineering Apprentice.

What do you do in your apprenticeship?

I complete one module a semester at Coventry university. For this I have to go to university for 6 days a semester. The rest is online learning. On the days where I’m not a university I am in the Tecosim Office. I have been doing training on NVH and Crash Analysis. Alongside this, I have been involved in some project work.

What advice would you give current UTCN students?

Get out there! Sign up to extra curricula activities and work hard in and out of School.